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Hand knotted with Love and Intention

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I am simply thrilled with my Sati mala. Pulled in by the colours and yes, you do have to follow that gut instinct! Its doing its loving magic – peace and happiness just sliding off the beads and greening up my heart chakra. Love it!” – Angel

“Best birthday pressie ever. The kids and dad pooled resources and gave me Santoshi mala based on my love of Rose Quartz and pink. Then I read up on what the mala was all about and realised how perfect their choice was! Not sure if they did the research but, hey, their selection was spot on. Well done Satya Malas!” – Christine, Townsville

“I’ve done quite a lot of yoga and meditation but I was in a really bad place when my mum gifted me with the Aditi Mala. The mala came with this little card and a chant with it. I got onto the Satya Malas website and I read up about how to use the mala in your meditation (japa chanting). I think it has shifted so many things on so many levels in my life. I’ve being using the mala for while now and I’m feeling happier, and not so anxious and all of a sudden these people and opportunities are popping up in my life. Its crazy! I really think I have changed the way I was looking at life. And even if I don’t chant, I just wear it every day. I’ve had so many compliments because it is really pretty. Thank you for these beautiful malas …” – Jade

Hi gorgeous girl, you have changed my life, with your heart, teaching and your yoga practice, I truly give thanks! I am healing and growing, one moment at a time, one practice at a time and I’m so excited about this journey with you through life, the empowerment and freedom is overflowing into every aspect of my life and family…

I would like to order the Kamaheno mala. I’ve meditated on this decision and I feel in my heart this is where I will continue growing and I know I will purchase the others as I am ready to purchase the others as I am ready to work on each area, to keep growing on my journey…” – J